Streams from my consciousness

Hi, there—

Happy holidays & happy new year! 

This is less of a Christmas letter and more of me simply sharing about the last twelve months—“stream of consciousness” style—after 2020 has already begun. It’s longer than a Buzzfeed quiz or a tweet, but I hope you’ll take the time to read it despite the word count. But, even if you don’t, it feels good to write it anyway.


I haven’t put pen to paper much in the last twelve months. I don’t even think I wrote a letter last year. I spent most of 2019, somewhere between my head and my body—either painfully trapped in thought or acting without any thought at all. New York has this uncanny ability to make you feel you’re dancing naked in the rain; vibrant, hopeful, and alive while simultaneously being wrapped tightly in an asylum straightjacket —lonely, scared, and barely breathing. 

Living here is a bit of a kink.

2019 was a blur. I got to speak on stage at the largest gathering of mental health professionals—the National Alliance on Mental Illness convention in Seattle—and share some of my story, as well as unveil a campaign that will be rolled out nationwide later this year. I shot a print ad campaign for the Skin Cancer Foundation that ended up in Entertainment Weekly. I wore a tuxedo to the Plaza. I planned our presence at the Cannes Festival, backpacked Kauai and hiked the Scottish Highlands. I moved from Brooklyn to Manhattan. I met incredible people, saw shows, and fell in love with someone on the Q train every time I took the subway downtown.


I also continued to wrestle through my own mental health. I went through a couple therapists. I struggled to sit with myself and therefore struggled to write and create… forgetting the fundamental rule of creativity—you have to feel the feelings before you can bring them to life with words and pictures.

It can be hard for an introvert to be alone & find rest in a city that never sleeps.

I struggled with the internet and social media. I don’t think we were made to be everywhere or constantly connected, despite how omniscient and omnipotent Apple makes us feel. 

I want to share my experiences and be fully present in my life at the same time. 

I want to show the beautiful places I go and the job I enjoy, but also express the loneliness I feel and the heartache that comes from getting older in a lonely city. 

I want to be known but I don’t want to get hurt and I’m learning you can’t have both.

I’m realizing the trouble with growing up is you’re always just becoming more of who you are—but you never fully arrive—and that’s the Catch-22 of it all. We’re always evolving and growing but the echoes of who we were, and where we’ve been, never really leave us.

Whew, is that too much for Christmas? My bad. Maybe this letter is more for me than for you after all.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is this was a year of contrast, a year of growth... a year of becoming.

What yet? I’m not really sure.


A friend of mine recently told me that viewing life as stepping stones was a shallow way to live and I think he was right. Every day is an end in and of itself.

My word for 2020 is “ground” because that’s how I want to live, with two feet planted firmly in the present. 


My favorite poet, David Whyte, says this about ground—

“To come to ground is to find a home in circumstances and in the very physical body we inhabit in the midst of those circumstances and above all to face the truth, no matter how difficult that truth may be; to come to ground is to begin the courageous conversation, to step into difficulty and by taking the first step, begin the movement through all difficulties, to find the support and foundation that has been beneath our feet all along: a place to step onto, a place on which to stand, and a place from which to step.” 


So cheers to the ground beneath our feet. 

And cheers to hanging on for another decade—not for dear life—but to it—it’s a dear, dear, life. What a rare & beautiful thing to get to exist.





​I want to know the girls in black

Beneath a cathedral blue

Where are you from?

Can you tell me about home?

I want to know the Atlantis boy

In this bookstore on the sea

Are you in love?

Could you ever love me?

I want to know the Medium

beneath the purple trees.

What do the gods tell you?

Do they ask you about me?

I want to know the woman

By the pool still as glass

I want to know the Captain

Are you full of nicotine?

Are you looking at the stars like me?

Cigarettes & the Aegean Sea.

Is this island for you or for me?


Seeing the World Through Rosé Colored Glasses

“Not Above Canned Rosé” Bryant Park

“Not Above Canned Rosé” Bryant Park

We live in funny times.

You turn on cable news and are led to believe the world is a big, scary place. You read in the papers people are not to be trusted - they have ulterior motives, bad intentions, or are just plain malevolent.

Maybe I’m an optimist, but I don't believe it. Personally and professionally I've found - in New York and Nairobi; Tel Aviv and Tokyo; there’s darkness in the world, but by-and-large people are full of light. Perhaps a bit self-interested or occasionally short-sighted, but mostly kind. Generous. Wonderful. Kind.

Six months ago I showed up in Manhattan with a suitcase, no place to live, no job, and a bank account moving in the wrong direction. It's something I'm proud of, but not something I did alone.

Along the way mentors connected dots, family and friends helped pack possessions, and a killer therapist unpacked my thoughts (#curestigma) – even strangers shared umbrellas and wine in the park.

Now, I have an apartment I like, a job I enjoy, and a city I love to hate. It’s hard to believe I’ve already been here half-a-year. I feel a little like a German Shepherd – as if the time passed in dog years and it’s already been a lifetime. It’s a new season, in a new place… and for the first time, this restless wanderer might stay somewhere a while.

If growing up has taught me anything it’s that our dreams are never achieved alone.

So, here’s to generosity, more adventures, and seeing the world through rosé colored glasses. Let’s make a kinder world, together.


- jmc

What if God Wore Glitter?

June was Pride month which meant both a lot of rainbow flags and even more angry Facebook rants against them. 

Amsterdam, April 2017

Amsterdam, April 2017

I've been on the road a lot the last few weeks and haven't had a chance to share any thoughts, so here’s a few from 30,000 feet:

I haven’t posted much about sexuality since my original post a few years ago; I just never felt the need. My sexuality and my story are my own… and they're still unfolding. So when, where, and with whom I share it is my decision and mine alone. 

I don’t want to spoil much (because New York is expensive and I want you to buy it) but if you’re curious, you can read more details of that journey when my first book is (hopefully!) released later this year. 

Kauai, June 2018

Kauai, June 2018

I began writing to make sense of my world, but I’ve kept writing to help others make sense of theirs. I’ve wrestled, cried, and crawled through the liminal spaces of faith, mental health, and sexuality and understand what it means to wait.

I believe in life we often become what we wish we’d had… so, regardless of the season of life you've found yourself in, my hope is you’d find faith and courage in knowing you’re not as alone as you may feel. 

And I think that’s what, beneath all the glitter, Pride is about. It’s a space where you can exist as you are, where the kaleidoscope–the rainbow–of who you are (even if you're still figuring that out!) is celebrated. A place you don’t have to feel alone. 

But some Christians find it ironic, or even upsetting, the LGBT community chose the rainbow to represent them. 

If you’ve seen the bad Emma Watson movie or read the Old Testament, you'll remember at the beginning of the Bible a great flood came as a judgment on humanity. But, after the sky clears, God sent a rainbow as a promise never to destroy the Earth again.

Look, my bachelor’s is in business and I work in corporate communications… so I’m not claiming to be a theologian. However lots of people with “Ph.D.” after their names believe the rainbow in the beginning of the Bible foreshadows the end of the story–the “end” being the part where God sends Jesus to unify humanity through his message of love, restoration, and inclusion. 

I'm inclined to agree; regardless of the intention, I believe the rainbow is appropriate. We can have a healthy debate about theology all day long, but let's not miss the forest for the trees. You don’t have to understand drag queens or cover yourself in glitter to appreciate the importance of Pride, because even as a Christian you probably understand it more than you think.

You see, Pride wouldn’t exist if people didn’t feel marginalized or a need to fight for equality, and a couple of thousand years ago that's one of the reasons why Christ himself came.

Pride exists because people in need found their way to each other… and isn’t that why the Church exists too? 

We become in our lives whoever the people we love say we are and perhaps that’s why Pride parades are getting bigger, and churches are getting smaller. 

My intention isn't to be inflammatory, just the opposite. To quote my pal Bob Goff, “burning down others opinions doesn’t make us right, it makes us arsonists." I want to build bridges, not burn them down which is why I point out we all live under the same sky. 

So, wherever you find yourself this summer - whether you’re marching in a parade, fuming on the sidelines, or somewhere in between… I hope you remember all of our stories weigh the same,.. at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to find a place to belong.

Humans are more like stained glass than folded cardboard so let’s stop putting people in boxes and start standing beside each other instead. 

Our neighbors are our teachers not our projects, and perhaps we're not on Earth to fix people but to just be with them, and maybe throw a little glitter along the way.